fragile appearance
group exhibition
opening 28th 5pm
june 28th - july 06th, 2024
Roland Behrmann, Christina Gay, Jens Kloppmann, Theodosios Ntouvalis, Noel O'Callaghan, Armin Paul,
Peter Schlangenbader, Konstantin Schneider, Stephan Paul Schneider, Marcia R.Székely, Gerard Waskievitz
Saturday 29th june 7pm
Bloomsday and more music with Noel O'Callaghan and Douglas
somewhere around
group exhibition
23.06 - 01.07.2023
opening 23.06.2023 6 p.m
christina gay, jens kloppmann, theodosios ntouvalis, armin paul, ulrike pisch, alan rankle, ralf rose, stephan paul schneider, jan sobottka, marcia r.szekely, gerard waskievitz